Dear Praying Friends,
November has been a month full of God’s hand moving on our behalf. We have seen God provide for us at every turn just as he has promised he would. God provided meetings for us this month that were absolutely spectacular! At the very beginning of the month, we were privileged to drop into a church in Union, SC we were able to travel down to Jacksonville, Florida for a meeting at Hunter Park Baptist Church.
We then traveled to Fort Lauderdale, then up to a church in Burgaw, North Carolina where God truly blessed us. We are ecstatic to see God working through us once again this month. God has blessed so incredibly that we are very quickly approaching and passing the ten percent mark! There is nothing that we can say but thank you to you for your continual prayers. God has answered them and has thrown us rapidly forward, much faster than we had anticipated. Please pray that God continues these blessings as we go through the holidays and that God would continue to exceed our expectations. We were in a total of seven different churches this month with many friends made and memories made, however, we do have a very big announcement to make in this months letter.
That’s Right! We’re expecting! God has truly blessed us with this little blessing of life! We just recently discovered this great joy and addition to our family and are expecting a little one which is coming soon!
This is our first child, so please pray that God gives us the strength to do what we need to do. June 27th is coming faster than we can believe, but we are absolutely delighted to see this addition. Thank you once again for your support, whether financial or prayerful, it is most definitely appreciated. We are praying that God would bless you and your ministries as much as God has blessed ours.
The Sears Family