Dear supporters,

In the Rear-view Mirror
WOW, Has God been good! August has been a fantastic month filled with meetings. We originally thought that this month would be empty with not a whole lot happening, but that is not what God had in store for us. We have had the opportunity to be in TEN different churches, almost all of which allowed me to present the ministry or give an update about our ministry. Most of those meetings were close enough to home that we were able to be back home that night. This may seem like a silly thing to be happy about, but there truly is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. We have so much to be thankful for. God has provided time and time again this past month. What a privilege to serve our God! On top of that, we were able to see God do some incredible things. Our vehicle needed new brakes, and a church, unknowingly, asked us for a prayer request. After telling them we were praying for new brakes, they decided to purchase brand new brakes for us. Above that, they took us on for support which brings us to just under 45% of our needed support.

HOWEVER, that is not all. This month, we had the chance to chat with Bro. Weimer (veteran missionary in Iceland) and we were able to set a date for March 1st of 2023 as our launch date to move to Iceland! I cannot tell you how excited we are to announce this and to know that God has done it before and he will do it again.

The Road Ahead
September through December is almost completely booked with meetings all throughout the eastern US, please pray with us as we will put on over 5,000 miles in the remaining months of the year. The new brakes will be a huge blessing to keep us safe, however, we would ask that you pray with us that God keeps us safe. Everett is ready to hit the road as you can tell in the bottom left picture. ONE HUGE PRAYER REQUEST; we will need a large amount of monies to help start up our ministry and living situation once we get to Iceland in March of 2023, please pray that God provides in incredible ways to meet the needs we will have. 

The Sears Family

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