Dear supporters,

In the Rear-view Mirror
The month of December has been a slow relaxing month. It began by traveling home from our most recent travels from Florida and Georgia. Once we got home we finished up our last meeting for the year here locally in Eastern North Carolina. The holiday season was officially among us. This month we have been able to spend some much needed time with family and friends. Everett enjoyed a few good opportunities to open new toys from loved ones. However as you can tell in this picture on the right, Everett is ready to get back on the road and meet more friends. I know there are many of you who have been praying with us about our goal for 60%. While we have not reached our goal yet, we are still waiting to hear from many churches we have visited.

The Road Ahead 
Our next trip has us leaving the road and taking to the air. We will be flying out to California. We will have the opportunity to be in five churches in just ten days. Please be in prayer during those days (January 11th-21st) that God would keep us safe as we travel on both road and air. Once we arrive in Southern California, we will be in three different churches before traveling up to Central California for our remaining two churches. One of which will be Regency Baptist Church which my Dad and Uncle began in Sacramento, CA many years ago, and where I spent the first ten years of my life attending church. After we return home, we will jump right into a missions conference here in North Carolina just two days later taking us through the end of January.

Fun Fact about Iceland
Because of the many natural causes that formed Iceland, (Earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.) There are not many trees that grow there. Also, because of the massive amounts of foresting the Vikings did when they found Iceland, many of its native trees are no longer around.

The Sears Family

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