Dear supporters,

In the Rear-view Mirror
It is always amazing to see God continue to be God. Often it becomes easy for us to trudge through life seeing God do amazing things, yet because we see it so often, we neglect the miracles he performs for us all the time. We were able to see five new churches take us on for support this month! It is such an encouragement to our hearts to see God bless. The amazing part is that He always blesses the efforts and work put into His ministry. This month, we had three meetings three weekends in a row that were six-hour drives one way. That’s 36 hours of driving. This may not seem too crazy to you if you drive a lot, but we do not typically have our meetings spread so far apart. But because of this, I believe that God blessed us and allowed us to see three of those five churches take us on in one day. What an amazing miracle to see God work continually in our lives

The Road Ahead
This upcoming month will change gears slightly to mission’s conference season. These next two months will be very busy as we have four and five-day-long meetings throughout the eastern coast. We would greatly appreciate your prayers as we are in these meetings for the endurance to make it through this last leg of the journey. As we do this, we will also be using all of our time spent at our home to pack up and get ready for the move which is approaching very quickly. Would you please continue to be in prayer for my (Nathan’s) residence permit application? It will, most likely, not be seen until December yet I would truly like to bathe this situation in prayer that God would truly see His perfect will accomplished.

Final Preparations
During these last months, we are beginning to prepare our hearts, minds, and bodies for the drastic changes we will be facing. We will not only be moving to a cold climate but also a cold culture spiritually. We have been in great communication with the Weimer family to ensure we have thought through every aspect of the move and the country to which we will be ministering. We would greatly appreciate it if you would join us in prayer that God would truly give a new grace to each of us as we embark on this incredible journey. We would ask for special prayer for our son as he is too young to really understand anything that is about to take place.

The Sears Family