Dear supporters,

This past month of holidays and time with family has been absolutely wonderful. We have thoroughly enjoyed the ability to spend much needed quality time before we leave for the field. With each day we grow more and more eager to reach the field yet more and more anxious about leaving our families behind. We are very grateful for the technology that we have today to be able to still stay in constant communication with our friends and family here in the states. We could not imagine what it would be like for those missionaries of years past who left their family anddid not hear or see them for years or even decades. God is so good to us. As you may notice in the left hand side of our prayer letter, our personal contact information has changed. We would love to hear from you! Feel free to send us a letter, shoot us a text, (you can also find our ministry page on Facebook Coastal Light Baptist Church Messenger)send us an email, or better yet, come visit in Iceland once we have gotten settled. Also, you will notice a QR code has been added at the bottom of the page. My hope is that from now on I will be able to attach a prayer video rather than simply a letter. This video will contain the exact same information as the letter, however I know that I would rather watch a short video than to read a letter at times. I hope that this will also allow you to get to know me and my family better than just as an email or a page on the wall.

The Road Ahead
HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is amazing that we have already completed another year and are marching right on through 2023. We are so excited to see how God blesses this year as we have many changes coming in the near future. Thank you for your continued prayers and support, we could not do any of this if you were not following the Lord’s leading to support world wide missions. I pray that God blesses you and your church according to your faithfulness. It is a blessing and a challenge to remember that the Bible says “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38. God wants to do amazing things through and for you, but first He asks that we give of our own selves.

Prayer Request
As we approach our arrival in Iceland, there are still many things that need to happen. One of the most urgent matters is that we sell our current vehicle and purchase another one there in Iceland. Because of our residency situation (having no Icelandic credit) we will be unable to purchase a vehicle as we would here in the US. We will need to either take our a personal loan here in the states to pay for the car outright, or purchase · the vehicle in full upon our arrival. If you would ‘ please pray that the Lord leads us to make the ~ right decisions, and that God blesses us with a reliable vehicle. God has done it before and we know He will do it again, but we are trusting Him to take care of this situation.

The Sears Family

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