Dear supporters,

In the Rear-view Mirror
Having the opportunity to be a help in ministry is always a blessing, and I believe that God honors and blesses our efforts. I say that because that is exactly what we witnessed this month. We are currently at our sending church in Charleston, SC and we have been able to help with much of the decorating involved with their upcoming Vacation Bible School. My wife was asked to be the second woman involved with planning the VBS and has taken it in strides. We have worked late nights and early mornings for the past week to construct decorations, paint, hang things up, and so much more. Please pray with us that July 5-8th our church sees many lives changed and souls saved. We trust that God will supply our request in this way. On Wednesday night the 30th, I received a phone call from a church which we had been with over a year ago. They were calling to inform us that they had just voted to take us on for support for $150 a month! What a blessing from the LORD!

The Road Ahead
July holds a few things in store for us. We will have our VBS as mentioned earlier, but immediately following that event, we will head down further south to Cocoa Beach, FL where we will be revisiting a church. We are so grateful for the opportunity to be serving God wherever he has a need for us and we just ask that you would join us in prayer that we accomplish God’s will. The following month we have been successful in scheduling at least one meeting in Newport, NC, but we are striving to schedule several more during that time. Our September/October months are almost completely jam packed with meetings, but pray that we would be able to see much increase in our support from those meetings and be able to fill November with more meetings.

Fun Fact About Iceland
11% of Iceland’s landmass is made up of glaciers almost 270 of which are named. Iceland is also the record holder for Europe’s largest glacier named Vatnajökull which is three times the size of Rhode Island.

The Sears Family

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