Dear supporters,

In the Rear-view Mirror
This last month has been a fantastic month for us. We have been able to see God use us in yet another Vacation Bible School in Asheville, NC where we were able to see several children who hadn’t been to church in quite some time as well as see their parents come for the commencement exercises. We also were able to schedule many meetings for this coming fall season. The fall season is typically very busy with missions conferences, of which we have several, but we are also glad that God has allowed us to schedule many churches around the country. While we did not have many opportunities to present the ministry in the month of July, we know that God is in control and has a perfect plan for us and will get us to Iceland in His timing.

The Road Ahead
August was mostly barren of meetings just a few weeks ago, however to God be the glory, we have been able to schedule all but one Wednesday night service. In addition, God has allowed many of these meetings to be close enough to our home that we will not need to leave for any long periods of time, which means we will be able to be in our own home and beds while still traveling and presenting our the need for the gospel in Iceland. We are very excited to share our burden and passion for the Icelandic people and ask that you would pray with us as we will be putting on several thousand miles throughout the remainder of this year. We are currently at 40% of our needed support but our goal and prayer is that God would allow us to reach 60% by the end of the year.

We do have several prayer requests that God knows will need to be addressed in the near future, and we are trusting that God will provide the funds necessary for those needs. One request in particular is that I (Nathan) would be able to begin a preliminary language class this winter. This class is offered by the University of Iceland, and would be a fantastic start to the journey of learning this new language. Please join with us in prayer that God would provide for each of these needs perfectly.

Fun Fact About Iceland
Believe it or not, Iceland is recognized by several different associations (including myself) as the home of the world’s best hotdog. Containing mostly lamb, and having a snapping skin casing, Icelanders typically top their dogs with special Icelandic sauces along with diced and fried onions. Definitely a ‘must try’ whenever you get a chance to visit.

The Sears Family

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