Dear Supporters,

Happy New Year! I think we are all very glad to see 2020 come to a close, but don’t forget what all God did for us in the past year. We have seen God provide in unexpected ways, and encourage us through many different trials. As we begin this new year let us strive to give God more of ourselves to see His will accomplished in 2021.

In the rear-view mirror.
This past month was a great month as we continued on our journey. God truly encouraged us as we entered the holidays. Typically this time of year is a very unusual time of year as churches focus on holiday events and outreach opportunities, and in addition to COVID, it was a daunting month to overcome. But yet again, God provided in such an incredible way. A family heard of our determination to get to Iceland, and they had previously known my father-in-law in Iceland and wanted to be a blessing during this season. Wow, What a blessing! The amount they gave covered all of our moving expenses almost exactly. When I got the call I could not believe it! God is so good to us, and we are so undeserving.

What’s next?
This coming month, we are hoping to be able to travel to Tennessee to drop into a few churches, however, as we are still waiting to see what will happen in the presidential election, there is a possibility that churches will be closed again by executive order. With very different courses of action at play, we are praying that God will allow us to be able to attend those churches and possibly even be considered for monthly support. We are trusting God through this time; He knew this time would come, and if we will simply follow His direct leading, we can be sure that all things will work together for good. Please pray with us as we approach even more uncertain times. This is a very unusual environment for all of us and we are still learning how to tread these waters appropriately.

Fun Fact about Iceland.
While Iceland is not part of the Ring of Fire, which consists of 450 volcanoes spread across the entire rim of the Pacific Ocean, Iceland is home to 130 volcanoes. This volcanic activity plays a major part in the geothermal activity beneath the thin layer of the earth’s crust. Another by-product of these many volcanoes is numerous earthquakes. In fact, recently, Iceland had a group of 9,000 recorded earthquakes in just ten days!

The Sears Family

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