Dear supporters,

In the Rear View Mirror

March has been a busy month to remember. It has been a whirlwind, busy month, but there God has done so much for us this month. From the moment we touched our feet on the Icelandic soil to today, He has done nothing but love us and guide us to make us into what He needs us to be.

We received our shipping container just a few days after arrival, and through God’s grace, the shipping company actually LOWERED our bill by almost $1,200. After getting unpacked, we got busy working in the ministry. We have had the blessing of being involved in so many ways. Nathan has had the opportunity to work on several maintenance projects around the church building, while Megumi has been able to assist in an Icelandic Sunday school class and prepared many things for the summer camp coming up in June.

Halfway through the month, God saw fit to have two of our supporting churches give amazing love offerings, which allowed us to purchase a vehicle!

God is so good. After everything God has allowed us to be a part of, we are truly counting it as an honor to serve the LORD.

The Road Ahead

With this month beginning with Easter or Resurrection Sunday, we are to remember all that Christ has done for us. What an opportunity to recognize the ultimate price that was paid for our sins. This Easter Sunday will also be the first time that Megumi has had the privilege to teach a Sunday school class in Icelandic.

We are looking forward to all that God has for us in the month of April.

Prayer Requests

Please join us in prayer that God would lead us into the perfect position that He has prepared us for. Please also pray that God would use these upcoming ministry opportunities to lead us to some soul that needs to hear of the saving Grace of Jesus’ death on the cross.

Thank you for your prayers and continued support.

The Sears Family

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